
Thinking is bad for you


YOU choose what you think about. Although thoughts can drift, you have the power to decide what stays in your head.

Each thought is a thing. An actual thing with an actual effect. This means whatever you are thinking now is having an impact on you or your environment right now. So yes in theory THINKING IS BAD FOR YOU. This is because we tend to drift and give up control and let the bad thoughts creep in and set up home. We don’t kick them out and they run havoc in us causing us all sorts of problems in our realities.

Thoughts about the past or future are damaging. Real or imagined they tend to have a negative impact on us if we dwell there. We react as if the imagined scenarios are real and usually end up feeling pretty shit. Does this mean we need to forget goals? Worries? Dreams? Memories?   ……….to an extent YES…We need to forget them, unless they have a real use for us in this moment.

When we are fully in the present we automatically switch off this bad thinking and our feelings are no longer sabotaged. Only having thoughts that are specifically about the exact situation we are currently in is a way of switching off the WHAT IF brain guff. A state of bliss is achieved by focusing on what is in front of you using all of your senses. It switches off the hypothetical brain and therefore we can forget about what may have been or may become and just enjoy what is.

Being able to time travel and hypothesise can be an excellent tool to aid us in our life, but we are not meant to dwell there. Only briefly visit these scenarios to help make wise decisions, and then get back to the here and now.  Dont spend hours there and warp out the imagined situations into ridiculous negative delusional worlds and send yourself into a scared and quivering depressed mess.

Feel Good: Accept what is, and live fully right in the Now. Take in this moment with all of your senses.

If you have bad thoughts that consistently make you feel shit i recommend this book that will help you SHUT THE HELL UP: Stop Thinking, Start Living 

or check out anything by the weird genius that is, Eckhart Tolle.
